Presentations now available on YouTube

Neudesic posted some of my presentations to YouTube:

ALM Series: Scrum and Agile Management with Visual Studio and

ALM Series: Scrum and Agile Management with Visual Studio

Find out how Visual Studio has become the tool of choice to manage your Scrum projects, and how it stands out of the way allowing you to do Agile in your own terms instead of forcing you to adapt your development process to a tool. We will take a tour on how you can enact Scrum best practices and cycles, allowing the team to always have a clear picture of Done should look like at the end of a sprint through using Team Foundation Server as a team communication hub.

ALM Series: Improving Small Team Productivity with Team Foundation Server and

ALM Series: Improving Small Team Productivity with Team Foundation Server

Team members in smaller teams have always had to wear multiple hats: talk to customer, develop, test, talk to customer, fix bugs, retest, talk to customer, deploy… did I forget to mention you also have to plan your releases?  No way can you do this without some automation. Visual Studio 2012 is the suite that will boost your productivity to the max by augmenting your skills with powerful tools that will help you trace your way out of a development cycle labyrinth.

ALM Series: Creating a Branch Strategy: What It Is, Why You Need One, and How You Get Started

Do you know for sure which code base snapshot in your source control system matches what is in production? What is the best strategy to manage source code for team members working in parallel in different features? In this talk we will take a look at creating branching strategies that answer these and other questions, and allow you to balance simplicity, isolation, and speed in your software development efforts.

Bring Your Testing Cycles Up to Speed (Patterns of Agile Testing with Visual Studio)

  • Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, the Agile development lifecycle is weakened by non-Agile testing procedures. Find out how you can speed software development by establishing patterns of Agile testing with Visual Studio. Learn how to:
  • Manage test environments more efficiently
  • Reduce risk and rework through better communication
  • Collaborate to define measurable and repeatable acceptance tests
  • Centralize and share test documentation
  • Conduct, record, and repeat manual tests
  • Automate user interface testing
  • Provide end-to-end traceability and visibility


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