Presenting at VSLive! 2018 in Austin

I have been selected to present at Visual Studio Live! this year. These are the two topics I will presenting on:

Many "scaling agile" efforts have failed for lack of focus on delivering working software on a regular basis. They have instead just been a refactoring of processes to gather requirements. It is easy to ignore tooling, development, and down–to–the metal DevOps practices when talking about scaling agile. However, these can be a boon or a bane to achieve working software – meaning tested software – and as with any process implementation, agile at scale is no different.

You will learn:

  • How most agile scaling efforts focus just on restructuring backlogs and leave developers behind
  • Learn how to identify DevOps and tooling bottlenecks, and align the implementation of agile at scale with the Agile Manifesto – working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Rules of thumb derived from real world experience on doing DevOps when scaling agile
    and the second talk will be

Knowledge management is often touted as one of the major applications of SharePoint and similar tools that made them widely successful. Oddly, the shoemaker's children go barefoot. Companies lose millions every year because of their inability to actively manage the intellectual capital invested in the applications they develop. VSTS lets you take control of this situation by using it as your team's communication hub and expanding it with practices and strategies to truly manage the knowledge supporting your applications.

You will learn:

  • The hidden risk of not managing the intellectual capital behind your code
  • How to use VSTS as a communications hub for your team and a knowledge repository for your application, plus usage strategies to maximize long term value
  • Fundamental strategies, best practices, and rules of thumb for preserving and managing a development team's knowledge of an application, minimizing attrition risk

The conference is from April 30th to May 4th at the Hyatt Regency. I don’t yet have the schedule of when I will be presenting, so I will update this post when I know it. You can register at

See you there!


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