Comparing GitFlow with Github workflow

If you ever need to compare GitFlow with GitHub flow, the article by William Buchwalter is one of the best I have found, coming from a practitioner who has lived through it. His article can be found at Git Workflow for Continuous Delivery.

I have long seen GitFlow as an easy way to adopt git when coming from more traditional, centralized workflow, but not a panacea. As a matter of fact, it always reminded me of the traditional Feature Isolation that ALM Rangers (myself included) used to recommend.

However, as you move delivery times faster and faster, there is a need to push it all to production even when feature is still under development.

Enter then the combination of very lightweight branching (just saying, from just main) with feature toggles. For fast track software development teams that can invest on all the extra instrumentation deriving from Continuous Delivery, this branching model/feature toggle usage is becoming the norm.


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