Updated information for fixing issue with max number of items in task board



When using a TFS 2013 task backlog with more than 500 items, the following message is displayed:

You have exceeded the number of items allowed on your task board. The number of items to be displayed on the task board is: 578. This exceeds the allowed maximum of: 500. This maximum limit is configurable.

To resolve this issue, you can perform one of the following tasks:

·        Reduce the number of items included in the current sprint.

·        Your project administrator must increase the maximum number of allowed items.

You follow the second link, and you are taken to the following page which has outdated information:





Refer to the updated information  for TFS 2013:


A workaround for issue "TF201072: A user or group could not be found"



Although a user is already part of a TFS group, he can't access TFS work items (source code is fine), and TFS Web client/Visual Studio display the following message:  

TF201072: A user or group could not be found. Verify that the users and groups used in your work item type defiition have been added to Team foundation server.




The cause is related to some snag in the TFS identity synch service, and it is usually related to a specific collection. There are many articles on the web which help determine the root cause, so here we are only focusing on a fast workaround.

Attaching and re-attaching the collection will force a refresh of the identity synch data, and will usually resolve the issue.


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