Upcoming Meetup: Avoiding Tool Friction when Scaling Agile

As you might recall, I am one of the co-leads, along with Leland Newsom, of the Agile Austin Agile-at-Scale UG. I will be presenting later in this month. The topic I will be presenting on is “Avoiding Tool Friction when Scaling Agile”, and it is based on my experience working with about a hundred and fifty ALM/DevOps customers in the last in the last eight years.

It is easy to ignore specific tool implementations when talking about scaling Agile. However tooling can be a boon or a bane for day to day activities, and as with any process implementation, Agile at Scale is no different. In this session I will examine a few real cases of “tool friction” caused by mistaken implementations, with different sets of tools, the good side of some implementations as well, and wrap up with a few rules of thumb derived from real world experience in scaling Agile.

Please register at https://www.meetup.com/AgileAustin/events/237738045/ so we can have a count of people to order lunch.

See you there!


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